Thursday, July 20, 2017

EndoFlex challenge

EndoFlex has really come through for me in many ways. And it can do the same for you!! It has been great for my adrenal fatigue. 
Better sleep and Hormonal Issues are other things us women deal with, but mine has been improving since I've been using EndoFlex!! 
It has boosted my immune system and helped give me the energy needed to get all of the tasks I've needed done and it's helped give me better sleep! 
Get in on this challenge and get your energy back by using ENDOFLEX!!  :) 
When I use it consistently, it's life changing. I've decided to do a 30 day challenge for anyone and everyone who is interested! Maybe you are already a Young Living lover, maybe you think oils are cray.. Just join me for 30 days! You've got nothing to lose, but really it'll rock your world.
Let me tell you - when you commit to using this oil every single day for a month, butterflies and unicorns make it into your personality a LOT more often!
So what's the big deal?
Oh just a few things like ....
💪🏻Hormone balance
💪🏻Increase energy
💪🏻softer skin
💪🏻less wicked cycles
💪🏻emotional support
💪🏻thyroid balance
💪🏻Better sleep
AND .... Possible WEIGHT LOSS!! Several women in another challenge I've been lurking in have already posted that they have lost 6+ pounds in only 11 days of using it!! Depending on what your body is needing balanced, Endoflex could be an awesome support for you. That's what essential oils do - support, balance, and just love on what God gave ya.
So it's only for women, right? NO
What if I'm pregnant? Use it!
What if I'm nursing? Use it!
What if I'm 2 years old? Use it! (kids are getting facebook pages younger and younger these days!)
Pre Menopause? Use it!
Menopausal? Use it more!

If you are alive and have an endocrine system, then YOU can benefit from this oil (basically, that means every human being!)
Not an oily person yet but want to try a bottle and see what happens? Click on the Google Docs form down there and you'll see that I can hook you up.
Why am I doing this? Because I care about you. I care a lot about your endocrine system. It helped me, so why would I NOT? That'd just be lame lol. We ALL care about those wacky hormones of yours. Do it for you, and do it for the people who have to be around you every day LOL.
Message me if you have question, but mostly just give it a try.

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